Informationstext zum gemeinsamen Brief an die Vereinten Nationen 2024

Anlässlich des „Internationalen Tages der Kinderrechte“ trafen sich am 20. November 2023 Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer der Partnerschulen Ben Gurion und Alexander-Coppel-Gesamtschule aus Ness Ziona und Solingen erstmals online. Eigentlich sollten die Gruppen sich bald persönlich zu einem Schüleraustausch treffen, doch der Terrorangriff der Hamas vom 7.10.23 auf die israelischen Menschen mit der Geiselnahme von mehr als 240 Menschen und der sich daraus entwickelnde Krieg hat die Pläne leider durchkreuzt. Wir wollten uns dennoch nicht entmutigen lassen und uns kennenlernen und unsere Betroffenheit ausdrücken. Wir hörten den israelischen Austauschschülerinnen und Schülern zu, wie sie in dieser Situation ihren Alltag meistern. Es entwickelte sich der Plan, gemeinsam aktiv zu werden und die Stimmen zu erheben, um die Befreiung der Kinder aus der Gefangenschaft zu fordern. So entstand ein gemeinsamer Brief, gerichtet an die Vereinten Nationen, in der die israelischen und deutschen Jugendlichen sowie ihre Lehrkräfte ihre Gedanken dazu schilderten.

Children applying for UNICEF

We, the children of Ness Ziona, Israel, and Solingen, Germany, call upon you to uphold and enforce the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which you initiated and signed in 1989 along with nations worldwide.

In this declaration, you have pledged to protect the children of the world wherever they may be.

On October 7, a vicious attack unfolded, targeting innocent babies and children.

Your unwavering commitment to safeguarding the children, as written in the declaration, has been violated.

The purpose of the Convention was to ensure physical security, freedom and the fulfillment of basic needs for all the children.

It’s incomprehensible to us, children growing up in Solingen, that our friends lives are overshadowed by the constant fear of missile attacks that could be launched at any time and target their homes.

It hurts, and it is not perceived in our eyes, that children were taken from their warm home, some of them after their parents were murdered right next to them. They are under constant threat. Living in darkness and fear between life and death.

We don’t know if they get enough food, if someone takes care of them when it’s cold, if someone treats their wounds, how they sleep, if they are with a family member or someone they know in the strange and alienated place. Are they being abused?

Children should learn and play. They are not supposed to learn that they are means is the game.

Children should be at home.

Therefore, we demand that the Declaration of the Rights of the Child be applied to the children kidnapped from Israel.

Admittedly, some of them were returned in exchange for the release of murderers – but still, there are children and an infant under the age of one who are held in Gaza, in harsh and disgraceful conditions.

We demand this for their future, for fortifying the declaration, and for demonstrating the solidarity of children worldwide.

Everyone has the right to live in security

Everyone has the right to live

Everyone has rights


About 35 years ago, a twin city alliance was signed between Solingen – Germany and Ness Ziona – Israel.

Together, the two cities have prioritized common interests, promoting unity over diversity.

On November 20, the International Children’s Rights Day is held.

This year, due to the war, the possibility of a face-to-face meeting between the students was restricted.

Nevertheless, the strong urge to communicate activated a virtual meeting between schools from the twin cities.

„David Ben Gurion“ school in Ness Ziona and “ Alexander Coppel“ school in Solingen.

Following the meeting, the children of Solingen and the children of Ness Ziona ask to make their voices heard, as children of the world.

Their powerful appeal is written above.

The authorities and the teaching staff of the schools, who are instrumental in educating children about their rights, wholeheartedly support their request. We want to believe that they as we all deserve to live in a better world. A world where there is global leadership that cares for every boy and girl. Ultimately, the children of today are the future of us all.